Hungarian Vizsla purebred puppies FCI - Bolesławiec

Hungarian Vizsla purebred puppies FCI

Miasto: Ogłoszenia Bolesławiec, Region: Lubelskie

Kennel offers for sale Hungarian Vizsla puppies with pedigree, only males available, taking possible in the end of July 2013. Parents successful at shows and hunting tests. Puppies suitable for breeding, hunting, and as a partner for leisure. Mother: Alerta Boglarca - JWW ´11, res. WW ´12, kv AT, SK. CH CZ, SK, HU, expectant of CH AT, winner of GRAND PRIX in Hungary, winner of field and water tests, Mem. Of Josef Lux, CACT, field trial-T.B. O: Aranyvadász Nimrod - import Hungary junior BIS, CH CZ, SK,HR expectant of HU, ICH, allround test, winner of field and water test. Price is 650 Euro for puppy. More at

Autor ogłoszenia

Petra Janikova

Telefon: 00420777034535

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