Bearded Collie szczenięta z rodowodem - Bardo

Bearded Collie szczenięta z rodowodem

Miasto: Ogłoszenia Bardo, Region: Lubelskie

Dog kennel named Lufian offers for sale black & white puppies with pedigree (FCI) DOB 23.9.2015 after a healthy, balanced and even labor and show very successful parents.
Father of puppies is Ch. Caffé Latte Old Tapis (CZ, D, Pl. Ch.; agility A3; herding HWT TS; Primary + Junior Working Test), mother JCh. Alistair’s Top Model – import Sweden (CZ Junior Ch., herding).
Assumption good health, excellent exterior and temperament after parents.
Puppies can be pick-up in mid-November.
Price on request.
For more information visit our website

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